“Having one person certified tends to fuel other contractors to take the test.
I have people on my staff who want it now, and I push owners to require it.
It’s really useful in the marketplace.”
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When Troy Rudolph, president of Elite Sports Builders, started his term as ASBA’s Track Division President at the conclusion of the recent Technical Meeting, he did so as the first Triple Certified member in the history of the Association, holding not only a CTCB and CTB but a CFB credential.
It was a long path for Rudolph, a 31-year member of the industry and an active member of ASBA, but it was a rewarding one.
“I got my tennis certification in 1999,” he notes, “but I let it expire. I took the CTB exam two years ago, then went and retook the tennis exam.
He originally sat for the CFB-S exam, but did not pass, then later, sat for the CFB exam. His persistence paid off and he passed it the second time.
Rudolph notes that certification is an advantage in the market. As awareness of the credential grows, and as more owners write it into their bidding documents, it becomes a powerful marketing and sales tool.
“Certification is valuable now,” he states. “And as more owners require it, it will become more widespread.”
Already, he is seeing the growth of the reputation of the certification program.
“When I first had the tennis certification, I was the only contractor in the state of Arizona with it.”
That, he noted, did not last long.
“Having one person certified tends to fuel other contractors to take the test. I have people on my staff who want it now, and I push owners to require it. It’s really useful in the marketplace.”
With three certifications up and running, is he ready to look outside the industry and sit for another test?
“No,” he laughs. “I think I’m good for now.”